My Research

About My Research
What do you think? How can companies help to save the planet?
Science cannot, by any means, find universal truths or even provide an objective picture of the world. Nevertheless, in my eyes, it is a tool to test hypotheses, critically challenge everyday certainties and assumptions, and initiate reflection. Thus, scientific work not only has intrinsic value for me but also assumes a responsible role in society.
What I am interested in
My PhD project, “Corporate Purpose – Concept, Complications, and Consequences,” examines how companies align purpose with their strategies. It focuses on the experiences of organizational actors who work on bringing purpose-driven management to life, studying how they deal with challenges while trying to put purpose into action.
Your research adds three main insights:
Critical Perspective on Purpose: My systematic literature review examines past studies and highlights the positive and negative sides of applying corporate purpose in organizations. This gives a more balanced view, moving beyond the standard optimistic narrative and identifying three key factors influencing the implementation of purpose.
Making Purpose Strategic: I explore how Chief Purpose Officers help make purpose a crucial part of company strategies, showing how purpose can influence business decisions and shape a more meaningful approach to strategy.
Case Study on Purpose and Strategy Renewal: Through an in-depth case study of a publicly traded company, I explain how purpose can be used to refresh company strategy and gain legitimacy. This also connects your findings to the broader idea of strategic renewal in organizations.
This research field is complex, broad, and fascinating. It covers several topics from other research disciplines as the following:
Journal Articles

Beyond the Hype: Organizational Challenges and Implications of the Purpose Approach
- Paper 1
- Accessible here
- Under Review in European Management Review
- co-authored with Prof. Guido Möllering

Extending Strategifying by Emotional Coupling: How Chief Purpose Officers Couple Purpose and Strategy?
- Paper 2
- Under Review
- 2nd R&R
- co-authored with Dr. Albena Björcl
Strategic Renewal
- Paper 3
- In Process
- In-Depth Case Study
- co-authored with Dr. Albena Björck, Prof. Henk Volberda
Book Chapters
Achter Fall: Corporate Purpose in deutschen Unternehmen – Purpose-Statements und erste Ansätze für ein Internes Purpose-Audit
- Published: Accessible here
How Chief Purpose Officers Prevent Purpose-Washing by Linking Purpose and Strategy
- Accepted in Oxford Handbook for Social Purpose
Purpose & Trust
- Conditionally accepted in Oxford Handbook for Social Purpose